The Life Shift Podcast

A Truly PIVOTAL Podcast!

Matt Gilhooly, host of The Life Shift Podcast, is extremely adept at getting his guests to be vulnerable and engage them in intimate dialogue as if they've been friends for years. He's a natural storyteller, who like many podcasters fell into this journey serendipitously and then fell in love with it.

What I love most about the show is that he happily sat in "the hot seat" and allowed himself to be interviewed by one of his past guests. He talks of losing his mother at the tender young age of 8, and then his grandmother more recently - and how each catalyzed a very opposite life shift for him.

It's amazing that Matt's only been doing this for a year, as the caliber of the show (content, sound quality, flow, the whole 9) are on par with that of NPR, The New York Times, or some other huge studio.

If you're looking to make sense of this tangled bowl of spaghetti called life, with all its twists and turns, then this pivotal podcast is definitely for you.

March 10, 2023 by Parle Gee on Apple Podcasts

The Life Shift Podcast

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